Heartland Highland Cattle Association
Frequently Asked Questions

Where does the data come from?

The data in the HHCA Online Herd Book is taken directly from the database that the Registrar uses to run the HHCA. The on-line data is updated from the master database periodically. The date and time it was last updated appears at the bottom of each page of the Online Herd Book.

What if I notice a mistake in my cattle's data?

If there's a mistake in the data, inform the Registrar by e-mail (heartlandhighlandregistrar@gmail.com). Be sure to specify your cattle's HHCA registration number in your message. The Registrar will change the master database, and the on-line database will be corrected the next time it is updated.

Why do some cattle have pictures?

The Online Herd Book can display pictures of the cattle in the database. One official photo comes from the database, and you, the cattle owner, can upload two additional pictures to the system. If the official photo for one of your animals is missing, please contact the Registrar at heartlandhighlandregistrar@gmail.com.

How can I get my cattle's pictures on here?

To upload pictures, click on the Upload Photos link which appears at the bottom of all the Online Herd Book pages.

How do I upload more than one picture for my cattle?

There can be up to three photos for each cattle. The official photo from the database is displayed large, and two others that you can upload are displayed smaller beneath the first one. Once you are on the Photo Upload page, use the "Photo" field to select which photo position (Lower Left or Lower Right) you are uploading.

Why do only some of my cattle' names appear when I log on to upload photos?

If only some of your cattle appear when you log on, it is most likely because you have more than one Member ID. For example, you may have some cattle registered under your name, and some under both yours and your spouse's name. So if you can't find one of your cattle under one of your Member IDs, try the other Member IDs. If you still can't find all your cattle, please contact the HHCA Administration (heartlandhighlandregistrar@gmail.com).

Can I sort the search results by something other than the cattle name?

Yes. Each column heading in the search result is actually a link. If you click on a column heading, the search results will be redisplayed, sorted by that column. If you are several pages down in a multi-page result, the display starts over with page one. The Sort Indicator symbol indicates which column the report is currently sorted by.

What does the Progeny column mean on the Progeny report?

The Progeny column in each row of the Progeny report shows the number of Progeny of the cattle in that row. If you click on the number, you will get a Progeny report for that cattle. Note that this column only appears when you clicked the Progeny button on a cattle's pedigree page.

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Database last updated by HHCA Registrar (heartlandhighlandregistrar@gmail.com) on Thursday October 13, 2022 at 9:58 AM EDT.

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